
EIVET Emotional Intelligence for More Effective Training Process

Sofia, February 28th 2022: With the kickoff event hosted online by the Organization “Technical Training” (Bulgaria) in February the activities of the project “EIVET Emotional Intelligence for more effective Training Process” with the reference number 2021-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000033724 started.

The main objective of the project is to improve the availability of high quality learning opportunities for adults by integrating science and methodology of EI in the training process in order to support and to improve the efficiency and post-training success of the trainees and therefore to overcome the effects connected to unemployment, increased by the economic and financial crisis, which EU is facing after COVID-19.

The project focuses on two target groups: on the one hand it involves experts and tutors within VET centers, BSO, Social Organizations and Enterprises and on the other hand trainees, who will be the end users of the training courses. The target group of trainees will include employed, unemployed, low skilled people, youth and migrants.